Interesting upcoming Conference about "Legal Matters of interest for professional Open Source users" organized by Raphael Bauduin on the 28. April 2009. Here what this event is all about :As Free and Open Source software have matured, they have taken a central and critical place in the enterprise. This new approach in licensing software has impact on all levels of business: internal developments, relations with suppliers, liability, etc All this happens in a legal environment that might not have been prepared to the arrival of this approach.
This event will take a closer look at the legal questions arising from the use of Free and Open Source licensed software in a company’s infrastructure, both as an end-user and as a provider.
Speakers are all specialists and will share their knowledge with you during their talks covering these topics:
* Understanding Free and Open Source licenses (Ywein Van den Brande)
* Impact on business conduct: liability, due diligence processes Benjamin Docquir
* Problems encountered by a FOSS developer (Bruno Lowagie)
* code auditing tools , fossology
* EUPL: Why it exists and why it matters (Philippe Laurent)
* Impact on contractual documents (Benjamin Jean)
All details about this event and the registration form are available at the Profoss website at
Thanks Raph !