Friday, August 22, 2008

FrOSCon Conference this weekend

Looking forward to the FrOSCon-Conference this weekend.
Plan to go there with some friends and enjoy some interesting talks about OpenVZ, Virtualization with Xen, Clustering with Linux-HA Version2 and System-monitoring with Nagios. Sounds like fun so cu there.

Interview: OpenQRM's Open Source Systems Management

:) got interviewed by the Ostatic-Team.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

apt-get install openqrm

Installing openQRM wasn't always that easy. I always wanted to have this step running smooth and transparent by having standard packages for the different linux distributions. openQRM should be install-able by e.g. just running :

sudo apt-get install openqrm

Thomas Halinka ( just made this possible !
Here his announcement about the new openQRM package repositories.

Thanks a lot Thomas !