working on updating the Xen-plugin to include the latest Xen 3.1. and added a Xen-console accessible via the openQRM web-interface. ;) Now you can watch your partitions starting within openQRM.
First many thanks to all who joined the event "virtual data-center in Second Life" hosted by the openQRM research-Team within Second Life. The event took place on the monday, the 7.5.2007 at our Team-base located at Zeds Pitch in Second Life. Presenation and live-demonstration went fine and the full talk was captured by one of our helpful staff-member.
Here the Video Stream(s) of the openQRM Second Life Event :
Here a video of my virtual reality equipment i am using for Second Life.
Wearing these gadgets makes Second Life feel like the Matrix version 0.1. It's fun, hope you enjoy it.
btw: now on preparing for the "openQRM virtual data-center demonstration in Second Life" event in Second Life next monday (7. May, 04:00 p.m. GMT Zeds Pitch (24, 88, 42)) For more infos please visit :